Is your Council the stuff of legend?
 More than 16,500 of you stood up to oppose George Osborne as he mounted a legal challenge to the European Robin Hood Tax. Now more than ever we need to keep this pressure on, and demand that the UK brings a Robin Hood Tax home.
Join our call for local councils across the UK to demand a Robin Hood Tax.
Even though Europe is jumping on board with the Robin Hood Tax, our government is lagging far behind. Not only are they blocking European progress at every turn but also refusing to implement a Financial Transaction Tax right here at home, where so many could benefit.
In the UK we all paid to bail out the banks. And millions of us are still feeling the repercussions on a daily basis. But we have a solution. We know what a huge difference a Robin Hood Tax could make. This tiny tax could help reverse the impact of savage public sector cuts, raising money for vital local services and creating new jobs across the country.
It’s time to get local.
That’s why we want to get every local council in the UK to join our merry band and turn the UK Lincoln green in support of the Robin Hood Tax.
The power of local pressure is working. In a short time, over 5000 people have written urging their councils to pass Robin Hood Tax motions. Already 17 councils, representing millions of people, have succeeded. Councils across the UK have been bringing Robin home from Edinburgh to Plymouth, from Liverpool to Great Yarmouth and in many London boroughs.
Let your hometown be the next to support the most popular tax in history.
Let’s raise our voices and show our support across every community in the UK, to make sure the government hears our message loud and clear.
Contact your local councillor today and ask them to support a Robin Hood Tax.
The Stamp Out Poverty Team