Urgent election appeal
 Dear Supporter,
I am taking the unusual step of writing to you personally because the UK election represents such a critical moment for the campaign. I am asking for your help to raise £5,000 for Stamp Out Poverty’s election appeal.
I have been campaigning on this issue for eight years, but these last few months have been especially rewarding as politicians have finally started to respond.
Public sentiment appears to be on our side and the Robin Hood Tax campaign, in which Stamp Out Poverty plays a central role, has captured this mood.
As a result of this growing pressure we have taken important strides with all the main political parties announcing manifesto pledges to tax the banks.
However, we need to ensure the proceeds of a new tax on banks is used to tackle international development and climate change. The danger is new money will be used to insure banks against their own future mistakes – a recipe for continued irresponsible behaviour.
Stamp Out Poverty is a small organisation, by any measure we campaign on a shoestring budget. That is why I am making a personal appeal to you to help us raise £5,000 by 30th April. A donation of even £20 will help us keep the pressure up on political parties. It is a small amount of money, but it can help make a big impact in these crucial few weeks to leverage billions more to provide the basics in poorer countries.
Please make as generous a donation as you can to help us reach our target of £5,000 for this special election appeal. We already know that politicians are listening. Your financial support at this unique time could really help us make the difference we have been working so long to achieve.
To donate please click here: http://www.stampoutpoverty.org/wf_library_post/lid11172
Yours Sincerely,
David Hillman
Stamp Out Poverty Coordinator