How to make polluters pay

It’s time to make the polluters pay for the damage they cause. It’s time for the Climate Damages Tax. The fossil fuel industry has made


Take Action!

Support the Climate Damages Tax campaign – contact us to find out how you can get involved.


The Banker

See Bill Nighy starring in our brilliant (even if we say so ourselves) launch film, seen by more than 1 million people.


Take Action!

Support the Robin Hood Tax campaign – visit the website to find out how you can get involved.


Stamp Out Poverty campaigns for powerful, practical ideas.

Ways to raise money to fight poverty and climate change. Getting industries to pay for the problems they cause.

BIG Problems

Banks and big oil are causing crises, and forcing us to pay the costs

SMART Solutions

We can raise billions – and put the burden where it belongs – to help end poverty and climate change